Best Dreadlock Shampoo, Conditioner, & Cream Products 2025

Best Dreadlock Shampoo, Conditioner, And Cream Products On The Market

Today we’re going to share with you the best products for dreadlocks.

You can look to the stars for inspiration on how to rock your dreadlocks or faux locs and the latest trends and styles.

However, one thing they don’t tell you is how to maintain and upkeep your dreads.

One thing’s for sure – if you want the best kept, well conditioned and nourished dreadlocks, there aren’t many sources to turn to.

But breathe easy, we’ve got you covered.

We’ve put together a guide on the best products to keep your locs happy and healthy, and how to use them for the best results.

Click below to see more info on each of these hair products for dreads:

The Best Dreadlock Shampoo Products:

Shea Moisture Jamaican Black Castor Oil Shampoo

Now, it’s true that the Shea brand have released numerous products aimed especially at the Afro-Caribbean community, and have built a great reputation. Just when you think they can’t one-up themselves?

They do!

The Shea Moisture Jamaican Black Castor Oil Shampoo is not only great for kinky/curly hair textures but also any brother or sister who is sporting locs. Why?

Firstly, you only need a grape sized amount of product on your fingers for full coverage. Yep, you heard right.

No more stripping your hair to an inch from life, using half a bottle of shampoo to make it ‘feel’ clean.

Another great benefit to using the Shea Moisture Jamaican Black Castor Oil version of their shampoo range is the moisture it’ll give your hair. It’s so nourishing to your locs that if you’re pushed for time, or simply don’t want to, you needn’t apply conditioner.

We, however do, purely because the shampoo contains apple cider vinegar and we have preference to the glossier, smoother look. It’s totally up to you.

TGIN Moisture Rich Sulphate Free Shampoo

Now the TGIN Moisture Rich Sulphate Free Shampoo is a relatively small brand compared to our first pick, Shea Moisture. Whilst the price is lowered to reflect TGIN being a little less known that Shea, the quality of the product is on par – if not better – and more suited to dreads.

The TGIN shampoo is noticeably thicker in texture to other shampoos and is to be used sparingly. Due to this and it being sulphate free, again a conditioner is not needed in most cases.

We would only recommend coupling it with a conditioner if your hair is very dry, likes to retain moisture, or is damaged.

One of our favorite things about this shampoo is the smell. Most scents wear off after a few hours or less, but this fresh, homely smell is much longer-lasting and we’d even vouch for it still being there days later.

The beneficial ingredients in this product are numerous but one that stands out is its use of coconut oil. And, as they say:

Frizzy hair? Coconut oil.

No shaving cream? Coconut oil.

Dry skin? Coconut oil.

Bad credit? Coconut oil.

Boyfriend acting up? Coconut oil!

Tropical Roots Clarifying Shampoo

Now for the cheapest but by no means weakest shampoo from our top 3 picks, the Tropical Roots Clarifying Shampoo, made with aloe vera and rosemary oil. With this shampoo your hair doesn’t just look well kept but it also feels cleansed.

Usually that is pretty difficult to manage, but with this shampoo it takes a pea sized drop to really get the job done. And priced very reasonably, we suggest you stock up on a few before the secret gets out!

Things You Ought To Know Before You Shampoo

Things You Ought To Know Before You Shampoo

Whether you’ve had dreads since your teenage years or you’re a loc virgin it’s extremely important to know exactly which products to buy to keep your locs maintained (and not waste your money).

Believe us, we know how deeply tempting it is to pop down to the drug store and take home the $2 bottle of whatever because you don’t have the time or in-depth knowledge to find the best of the best. That’s why we’ve taken the time to do all the heavy lifting for you.

Just sit back, enjoy, and get ready for some seriously beautiful locs.

If you’ve got drastic build-up in your locs then the first thing you need to know is that shampooing them isn’t necessarily going to do you any favors. Yes, shampooing is a form of cleaning and cleansing your locs, and totally necessary.

However, the majority of shampoos on the market especially designed for dreads are thick in texture, and nourishing enough that it allows you to skip adding extra conditioner. Sounds great, right?

But this has a hidden drawback: this extra nourishment and thickness can cause serious build up in your hair. For this reason we wouldn’t recommend washing more than once a week or every 10 days.

If your dreads are already past the point of no return with build up and it’s noticeable, this is when you need to take it a step further than just shampoo. Sometimes when Mom gives advice we tend to switch off.

But this is one of those oldie-but-goodie pieces of advice she might just have given you: Try a homemade apple cider vinegar and baking soda rinse.

Yes, this technique can be very abrasive and drastic for your hair but it gets the job done. And, if you care for your hair properly afterwards. you’ll be left with locs in much better condition than you started with.

It’ll get rid of all that nasty build up and leave you with light, bouncy locs. Because this is such a deep cleanse, you might not have to wash your hair for a good three weeks afterward, or go for a swim (and if you do, be sure to get a good deadlock swim cap).

Just add some light conditioning spray from time to time if it looks dry.

The Best Dreadlock Conditioner Products:

Organic Root Stimulator Olive Replenisher

The Organic Root Stimulator Olive Replenisher is the perfect consistency for your locs. It helps to restore moisture and it also deeply penetrates.

So you’ll have no worries of not getting the conditioner ‘right in there’ or it only affecting the outside portion of your hair.

By the way, if you do feel that any of the conditioners we mention are a little too thick still then one of the best methods to use when applying it is to use 1 part conditioner and 2 parts water in a spray bottle container. The spray bottles can be picked up from any household store or general store priced from around $1.

And paying $1 more to get the best results when the conditioner only costs around $15.70 in the first place is not too much to ask, right?

This conditioner is also made with olive oil and can we just mention that the smell is other worldly. You’ll be the person that gets stopped in the store because your hair just smells so good and they have to know what you used in it.

Shea Moisture Butter Restorative Conditioner

Now a much cheaper but just as effective product is the Shea Moisture Butter Restorative Conditioner. One of the main benefits to this conditioner is the fact that not only does it replenish any lost moisture but it promotes dreads growth and hair elasticity, perfect for anyone with locs.

All of the fantastic ingredients that are blended to make this life-saver are natural and organic. Good if you’re an au-naturelle sort of girl.

Tresemme Leave In Conditioner Treatment Remedy

We had to include the Tresemme Leave In Conditioner Treatment Remedy, as it not only comes in a spray application bottle but it’s from a more well known high street brand. They aren’t always the best for specific hair types, however this is one we swear by.

And the fact that it’s a more commonly used household name simply means that you’ll find it at nearly any store going. It’s not hugely expensive when you order it online, so it’s definitely worth a try!

Not only does it lock in moisture, but it combats frizz, brittle ends and almost totally eliminates split ends too. It’s a keeper for sure.

What To Watch For When Shopping For The Best Dreadlock Conditioner

  What To Watch For When Shopping For Dreadlock Conditioner

Always check the consistency. Shampoo aimed at dreads is usually thick in texture, but your conditioner doesn’t have to follow the same suit.

In fact, it would be better that it didn’t, to avoid excess build up. What you’re looking for is a product enriched in oils and proteins, that remains thin and light… but effective!

One of the best products to use is a conditioning spray. Used sparingly these type of products are absolutely perfect for dreadlocks, because they condition without weighing the hair down too much.

What Is The Best Way To Condition Your Dreads?

What Is The Best Way To Condition Dreadlocks?

Wow, what a question. One of the most obvious answers is that it depends on your personal preference, time management and individual hair type.

However, if you’re just starting your hair care journey, it’s your first time having locs or how you’re managing your hair currently isn’t quite working and you need to change up your routine, us simply saying ‘it depends’ isn’t helpful at all.

With this in mind we’re going to talk you through our how-to condition your hair basic template. If part of it works for you and another part doesn’t, that’s fine!

It’s a rough guideline with a few helpful pointers to get you going.

Firstly it’s important to know that your scalp as well as your hair has a naturally acidic pH. When there is an imbalance (you’ll notice this by itchiness or irritability, build up of product or bad odors) it can easily be rectified by an apple cider vinegar rinse.

A rinse like this should not be used more than twice a month due to how much it strips your hair, especially if your hair is a dryer type to begin with.

Deep conditioning is always needed regardless of whether your hair is half an inch long or trailing around your feet. For dreads one of the best things you can offer your hair is some down time in gorgeous oils.

Almond, coconut or olive oil are the perfect examples of oils that will keep your dreads fresh. Apply a light coat of your chosen oil after you’ve either towel dried your hair or let it dry naturally.

After you’ve done this it’s good to spend some time with your hair in a wrap or, if you don’t have one currently, any old plastic bag will do. Some people choose to wash the oil out.

Others keep it in. Either way, this will ensure the health of your locs.

The Best Dread Lock Cream Products:

IRIE DREAD Creme Locking Wax

Yes, we picked out just one product for this section: the IRIE DREAD Creme Locking Wax. Why? Because it’s absolutely perfect.

We are yet to find another brand that even comes close to this creme locking wax. If you want to nourish your locs as well as style them this is going to be your go-to every single day.

P.S it smells A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. And at around ten dollars, we’re probably going to start stocking up for winter right now.

As you can see from its mostly 4 or 5 star Amazon ratings this product is the bomb diggity.

Buying The Right Dreadlock Cream

Buying The Right Dreadlock Cream

When you’re shopping around for the right cream it is important to bear in mind the same set of guidelines you used when purchasing your conditioner. Nothing too thick, nothing too extra.

How To Use Dreadlock Creams, Balms And Waxes

How To Use Dreadlock Creams, Balms And Waxes

Creams, balms and locking wax tend to be the most popular products among dreadlock hair care. But whilst these are meant to mold, shape and maintain your hair, they don’t always offer the added bonus of moisture and gloss.

To combat this, before applying your chosen product, invest in some aloe vera juice and add either peppermint or lemon oil to it. Spritz it onto your locks gently.

By doing this daily your natural oils will be balanced and restored. AKA you’re ready to go rock those locs!

Best Dreadlock Products Like Shampoo, Conditioner, And Cream, Conclusion

Best Dreadlock Shampoo, Conditioner, And Cream Products On The Market Conclusion

In our opinion, those are some of the best hair product for dreadlocks.

Caring for your locs can sometimes be a huge hassle but it is definitely worth the effort when you see how fantastic you look in the mirror!

We hope we’ve helped you to manage and maintain your locs, and learn something new about what you spend your time and money on purchasing. Failing that we hope we at least made you smile along the way!

Good luck on your hair care journey. Will you be purchasing any of the products mentioned above?

Did you find out something new about caring for dreads? Let us know what you think!

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  1. This is by far the best article I’ve read! I’ve been doing research on locks since I got them in January and couldn’t really find a good informative article. I’m also happy to know I can continue using the same products I have 🙂

  2. I’m allergic to shea butter and cocoa butter. I have dreadlocks but I have a hard time finding products. Please help.

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