How To Know When A Plantain Is Ripe Enough To Boil, Fry Or Buy

How To Know When A Plantain Is Ripe Enough To Boil Or Fry

What Color Should You Buy Plantains?

What Color Should You Buy Plantains?

It totally depends what you have planned for your plantains. If you’re a ripe-plantain lover and you want to fry those babies up tonight, then you’d better head for ripe plantain at the store. Otherwise we’d always recommend green, as they’re easier to find, often cheaper, and will keep for longer.

What Can I Make With Ripe Plantains?

What Can I Make With Ripe Plantains?


If you want to make a snack, slice plantains thinly or thickly as you want and fry. Sprinkle salt or sugar over the finished dish for some extra flavor – some people even sprinkle both!

As a side dish, plantain can be fried, boiled or grilled. We think it’s best paired with salty or spicy dishes, to bring out the contrast with its sweetness. Why not try boiled plantain with curry, as a substitute for rice? Or cut fried plantain into pieces and then refry in a stir fry wok with tomatoes, onions, garlic, and bell peppers? The possibilities are endless.

If you’re in a dessert mood, caramelize little pieces of ripe plantain in a pan with sugar, cinnamon and a sprinkle of salt.

What Can I Make With Green Plantains?

What Can I Make With Green Plantains?

Don’t let anyone tell you any different – fried ripe plantain and fried green plantain are totally different things. Fried green plantain is savory, while fried ripe plantain is sweet. Fried green plantain is often much harder and crunchier, while fried ripe plantain is more squishy. (If you’re going for green, you may want to boil first for tenderness before frying). Fried green plantain is a great standalone snack, or can be a perfect side dish, too. You can also slice your green plantains super thin and deep fry to make plantain chips. With a sprinkling of salt, they’re truly delicious.

Another of our favorites is mashed green plantain. Boil first until they’re as soft as possible, then mash down and cook in a pan with tomatoes, salt and spices.

How To Know When A Plantain Is Ripe Enough To Boil Or Fry Conclusion

How To Know When A Plantain Is Ripe Enough To Boil Or Fry Conclusion

But if you thought was all you could do with plantains, you’ll be pleasantly surprised – both green and ripe plantains are so versatile. Check out our article How To Cook Plantains, Jamaican Style, Sweet Chips And Healthy Recipes Included, for more ideas.

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