How To Grow 4C Hair, The Ultimate Guide

How To Grow 4C Hair

You have beautiful 4C hair, but you want to grow it longer. But how do you go about doing that? And is it even possible?

This is what we explore today. In this article we cover how to grow 4C hair so you can add length to your mane; please share if useful.

Does 4C Hair Grow?

Does 4C Hair Grow

Yes, of course! Although all hair types grow, it is easier for some than others. Due to the tough nature of 4C hair, growth might not be immediately visible. Also, It is prone to shrinkage, which contributes to the apparent length of your hair.

However, if you pull some locks out, you can see the actual length and measure how much it has grown. So, having 4C hair should not be seen as a disadvantage because with adequate care and regular moisturizing, it grows like every other hair type.

It’s always good to hear other’s 4C hair growth stories for inspiration, here’s one such example:

How Long Does It Take For 4C Hair To Grow? 

How Long Does It Take For 4C Hair To Grow

If you wish to know how long it takes 4C hair to grow, you might not get a definite answer because hair growth is not an immediate process. Ideally, hair grows at approximately 1/2 inch per month, which means it will only grow to about six inches in a year. However, due to genetics, it might grow faster or slower than that of others.

Other factors determine the rate at which a person’s hair grows include your hair care regimen, how well it retains the length, your growth rate, etc. So, it is necessary to take good care of your hair every day to ensure it keeps growing and has lesser chances of breaking. You can improve how fast your mane grows with practices such as moisturizing regularly, applying deep conditioning, and using low manipulation. 

How To Grow 4C Hair Faster

How To Grow 4C Hair Faster

Many perceive that 4C hair would be difficult to grow. The thickness and porosity are important factors as they advise the choice of hair products and styling options. 

First, you should pre-poo with a hydrating oil to distribute moisture into your hair and scalp. Then, apply a leave-in conditioner generously after washing it. Finally, add a quality hydrating oil and seal the moisture with cream or butter. As the hair is only as healthy as how much you moisturize it, you have to do this often to make it grow faster. 

How To Grow 4C Hair To Waist Length

How To Grow 4C Hair To Waist Length

If you are determined to grow your 4C hair to waist length, you should worry more about preserving the new length than just watching it grow. If you do not effectively maintain this, the strands are more likely to break off, and you are back where you started. So, below are some important tips to caring for and growing your hair, while also maintaining the length:

1. Shampoo your hair regularly

You should not use hair products based on recommendations from your favorite natural hair blogs. Instead, find what works best for your locks by trying different options. Moisturizing products are essential in caring for this hair type because it tends to be naturally dry.

2. Use tested and trusted products for your hair

You need to shampoo your hair every 2-4 weeks to stimulate continuous growth. Shampooing cleans the hair and scalp, removes any accumulated products, and keeps it moisturized. It is best to choose a sulfate-free shampoo that you are comfortable with and would not dry out your locks. 

3. Trim your hair often

Many black people are scared of trimming their hair as it seems like they would lose the length they have managed to achieve. However, trimming is beneficial because cutting off split ends protects the strands from breaking, thus allowing new healthy strands to grow. 

4. Choose styling options that protect your hair

Styling your hair as braids and twists help its growth, but you should not keep it this way longer than 8 weeks. This is because it reduces the moisture and could lead to breakage. So, it is advisable to take breaks in between styling to wash your hair and let it breathe. 

5. Massage your scalp gently

Massaging the scalp is a good way to stimulate growth and length retention. Increased blood flow is known to boost hair growth. Therefore, you should try massages, as they improve blood flow to the scalp and hair follicles. A good routine is to do this with a scalp brush for five minutes every night before you sleep. 

6. Detangle your hair with your fingers 

It is normal for 4C hair to tangle into tight coils often, which can cause it to break. So, you can avoid this by finger detangling the locks. This causes lesser breakage and damage to your hair. When detangling, you should use a product with enough slip to save time and make knots easier to find. 

7. Deep conditioning boosts hair growth

Deep conditioning is a perfect treatment for achieving long 4C hair because it moisturizes, nourishes, and maintains your hair’s sheen. People with black hair should do this once every two weeks or once a month to keep their hair growing while retaining its length. 

Most black people have grown their natural hair to waist length but follow these practices. So, adopting these is sure to give you great results over time. 

How Long Can 4C Hair Grow?

How Long Can 4C Hair Grow

As mentioned earlier, it takes a month for your 4C hair to grow half an inch. But you maintain the balance between its growth and breakage to ensure the length is retained. This type of hair gets dry and shrunken quite often due to its tight coils. So, moisturizing frequently is a huge determinant of how long your hair can grow.

Another point to consider is the person’s genetic makeup. If your parents had longer hair growth, it is more likely that yours would grow longer and faster too. Provided you did not inherit short hair, making consistent efforts should be enough to achieve your desired length. Patience is also an integral part of growing your hair to maximum length. It might take a couple of months for you to notice any significant changes, so you would have to keep up your hair routine while you wait. A measuring tape or hair length chart is great for monitoring your hair growth monthly.

If you check any diagrams on the hair growth cycle, you would find that all types of hair have a terminal length, which is largely dependent on genetics. Therefore, while some struggle to grow their hair for long periods, others do so effortlessly. This shows how much of average the growth cycle is, thus anyone can fall on the extremes.

Best Products to Care for your Beautiful 4C Hair

Best Products to Care for your Beautiful 4C Hair

An essential aspect of learning how to grow long 4C hair is to find hair products that would keep it moisturized. Black hair is prone to dryness, so your hair care routine must comprise products that help to retain moisture. These ensure your locks maintain their sheen without fear of breakage.


If you want to put moisture in your hair, investing in conditioners is a must. However, you should know that there are different types to be used at each phase of hair care.

Detangling Conditioners

Detangling is a delicate phase of hair care because 4C hair is the most fragile of all hair types. So, you can protect your mane by dampening it before detangling. A detangling conditioner is best for this as it provides lots of slip, so your fingers or comb can ease through the tight coils.

Deep Conditioners

You should perform deep conditioning at least once a week to keep your hair extra moist. Apply a hydrating conditioner after washing your hair and cover it with a shower cap. Leave it for a little over 30 minutes before rinsing. If you want the product to penetrate your hair shaft, you can add heat by tying a tight scarf around your head or using a hooded dryer.

Leave-In Conditioners

After detangling and cleansing your locks, the next step is to apply a leave-in conditioner. These should be distributed evenly along the length of the damp strands to provide a source of extra moisture. Aloe vera juice is perfect for type 4C hair as it does not build up on your scalp.


Nothing takes the moisture out of natural hair than shampoo when you are cleansing. Shampoos, especially those containing sulfates sap natural oils from the hair, so it becomes dull and rough. Therefore, we advise that you make use of sulfate-free clarifying shampoos because they leave moisture in your hair while riding your hair and scalp free of accumulated dirt and products.

Co-washing Cleansers

Conditioner-only washing, also known as co-washing involves using conditioners to cleanse the hair to avoid shampooing. This is perfect for dry hair. So, you start by washing your mane with water to remove dirt before adding the conditioner. Leave for some minutes before washing off.


It is not possible to maintain long 4C hair without using oils. Apply generously to it, but not excessively to avoid the accumulation of products that could block the hair follicles. Oils can either help to moisturize or seal in the moisture in your hair.

Sealing Oils

Sealing oils are perfect for keeping the moisture intact and include options like Jojoba oil, grapeseed oil, and so on. You must use these before heavy creams but after a leave-in conditioner. They help to lock moisture in and ensure your hair stays hydrated for long. Moisture evaporates more rapidly from the 4C hair type if not sealed in.

Hydrating Oils

You should hydrate your hair with oils such as coconut oil, avocado oil, tea tree oil, etc. If you want to add the needed moisture to 4C hair, these oils are just what you need. You must invest in a variety of oils to ensure your locks stay moisturized.

Styling Products

Styling Gels & Edge Control Products

You can give your black hair the illusion of curls by applying styling gels. This is known as shingling. The process involves dividing your hair into four sections after cleansing and conditioning. Then, apply styling gel to each small section using your fingers. The hair must be totally dry before any manipulation is done.

4C Edge Control products also help with styling.

Sealing Butter and Creams

Applying butter and creams to 4C hair is a crucial part of sealing in the moisture. A thick barrier is created between your hair strands to protect them from harsh weather conditions. So, you should always use these, whenever you want to style your hair.

How To Grow 4C Hair, Conclusion 

Having given you an idea of the best hair care tips and products, we believe you can now successfully improve your hair growth. There is no one-size-fits-all regimen for natural hair. So, you would have to try out each of these recommendations to find which works best for your hair type.

While it might take some time to get results, growing your hair is well worth the wait. After carefully learning the best methods for your hair, give it time to grow long and strong. You can style your hair however you want, but never be shy to show it off. Though it might be a little tedious to maintain, nothing beats a well-nourished, long 4C hair.

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